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Nov 21, 2018

Creating Custom Editor Windows In Unity
Pushing Editor Scripts To The Limit; With Custom Editor Windows. Let’s Do Some Hello Editor Window Scripting. Alright, welcome back...

Publish Your Unity Games Faster With Editor Scripts!
An Intro To Unity Editor Scripting What Is This? The image above is a screenshot of Shadergraph, and in case you missed it, there was a...

Freelance Game Dev - How to Get Clients
According to the ESA, there were nearly 2,500 game companies in the United States in 2016. The industry size increased from $106 to $138...

The Business Trap that Holds Your Game Business Back
We all need to make money. If you're a reader of this blog, then success in game development is foremost on your mind because we can only...

How Difficulty Settings Cheat Your Players
Ah, the infamous difficulty setting. Whether we're playing a new game in a long-loved genre or trying out something new, difficulty...

Encapsulation in Unity
In Unity, there are many ways to code a game. You can create a GameManager class and reference it directly, you can create your own data...

Control Yourself, Part Two
Character controller input responsiveness When designing your character system, there are two main factors that contribute to a...

Control Yourself, Part One
With very few exceptions, the player should always feel like they are in control. For most games, this control involves some sort of...

When to Say 'No' to a Client
For anyone trying to make money online, client work can be challenging. First, you have to search for and "land" the client. Just getting...

Morning Matters
There is a challenge that we must overcome every day: no matter how productive we were the day before, we always wake up with little motivat
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